Wednesday, March 31, 2004
Here we go again after a long absence, I decided to stop blogging for a while since it seemed the only use of this was to be used against me. I won't go into the details of that, but maybe some other time.
Today was fun, a group of us (Chris, Cisco, Cindy, Jason, Austen, Meghan, ChristineX2, Justin, and I....Milton and some guy John went too, but only at the end for a little while) went to Avila Beach. We did a bonfire thing, some did story telling, played with frisbees, and ate smores!!! It's been a while since I've eaten them, but they were so good and a little too sweet. When we got there, I saw some "circus people" doing weird things with fire, like blowing gasoline out of their mouth to lite this huge wooden stick man thing, juggling flaming sticks, and making music with drums, so that was fun. hrm...Chris was telling us about his "love story" and Meghan was telling us about her dad falling through the roof after finding a gun, but the funny thing was that he was saved by his crotch landing on a 2x4...oww. Oh, I also learned how to roast marshmellows again, at first I just thought that as long as it caught on fire, it was done, but I learned that you had to keep it lit while rotating it to roast all parts of the marshmellow. lol..i brought two decks of cards, one imcomplete deck to burn, and one good deck to play, but it turned out to be too dark to play so we all had fun burning the cards like 12 year old boys.
WC | 00:59